Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You'll Always Be A Cheater!

I still find myself wondering why you married her.
Why you'd even fuck with me and make me think she didnt exist.
How I didn't piece together you were on bullshit is still beyond me.
But I vowed from that day forth to never let my emotions blind me from reality.
Had I known what I knew now before I met you I'd have never came around.
How she's still with you even after all we went through is besides me.
Maybe shes stupid enough to let her emotions blind her.
I feel bad for her... that every night she goes to bed with a scam artist.
Every morning she wakes up to a snake.... a cheat... a lie.
How does it feel waking up with a woman who loves you so much that even after you cheated on her....
shes still there with that same love.
Let that guilt eat away at your perfect made up little world.
You better pray to God and be thankful she even kept your sorry ass.
Because if that girl was me... you'd have been kicked to the curb soon as shit went off.
You treat me like the tramp now...
like some how it was my fault.
Like I'm the one that tried to ruin what you two have.
But last time i checked you were the playa.
You were the one that came around me when you we're engaged to another woman.
You turned my life upsidedown and you crushed the woman that should have mattered most to you.
I wish I hadn't played that part.
If I would have known I'd have never picked up that phone
I would have never returned those calls.
But I foolishly fell for your smooth line of bullshit.
My only last words to you now...
is that you can claim that you've changed and try and live your life with the delusion that you love her and your life will be perfect....
but karma is a bitch my friend....
and hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.

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