Thursday, March 18, 2010


I’m confused about this thing called life.
Unsure of the life I was meant to live; afraid that my path may be lost in time.
So much corruption and deceit forced upon humanity shielding us from our divine purpose.
Children full of hate, absorbing the violence and negativity from what they’re exposed to. Have we lost complete control?
Have we lost sight of what could have been our future?
Contemplating the worth of life on earth now seems so meaningless.
How do you rekindle that passion after years of being oppressed?
Are we so self absorbed we can’t see how our own children are being impacted?
Children only emulate what they see, what their surrounded by.
So why not expose our children to an interactive world in which anything is possible with now one person or entity to dictate the right from wrong?
For once we should be able to experience life in its original form.
Not what they want us to see, not what they want us to think, not what they want us to feel.
To each person living there is a breathing, God fearing soul with free will.
You have the right to decide; the right to choose.
Do you remain passive and content, settling for complacency?
Or do you stand up and demand what you deserve?
Let no man judge you, as only God can.
Let no man control you, as God does not seek to control.
Crave guidance both spiritually and mentally as that is what we really need.
No matter how hard you try to please others, if you’re not pleasing yourself, no one can be happy around you.
Until you look deep down inside and really love yourself despite your flaws & mistakes that you made in the past, you can’t fully live.
Now is not the time for role models, now is time for family, values, love, and God. Freedom of speech has turned into the complete opposite of its original purpose.
We’re bound by the junk the media exposes us to.
The concept of truth has been distorted beyond recognition.
As time passes it seems to only get worse.
How can we let it get where it’s going?
The world is slowly spinning out of control!
What do they know that they’re hiding?
Do we really want to know?
Standing by and doing nothing makes you just as guilty.

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