Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Come Together

I can appreciate and commend that human beings come times of disaster and war and I feel it is good that when it comes down to it people are able to look past their predispositions and prejudice. That being said, I feel it is imperative that we as human beings make it priority to adopt that ability as permanent mind set. A lot of the issues that are apparent in the world today are fueled by selfishness and greed. I am well aware that it would be impossible for everyone to agree on everything but I feel that the ability and willingness to compromise is vital when it comes to coexisting with others. In order for any type of relationship to function normally, whether it is personal or business, there is a certain amount of understanding and compassion that makes things functional. Being stubborn and ignorant never solved anything and it certainly will prevent you from moving forward in life. It seems as if understanding and compassion are qualities in people that are scarce unless proven beneficial to the person debating to display those qualities. If people would unconditionally care for people with pure intentions as opposed to ulterior motives, I feel we would be able to make some progress as a species. It’s time we use are minds not to complicate things and not for personal gain; but to better the world in which we live in for time is not promised and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed by today.

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