I’ve been looking into a lot of different things lately as its obvious how much the world is changing around us. It seems as if everyday there is something else tragic or catastrophic happening. I find it discerning that people are so quick to turn a deaf ear to things. Then it seems like the people who do speak up are made out to be nut cases, psychos and terrorists. I understand and respect the fact that the government says that they are just trying to protect us, but I feel that since the patriot act was passed a lot of the rights we’re supposed to have are compromised without most people even knowing. I feel that too many people are sucked in by things the media exposes us too. If I could tell you how many people I knew that just stayed on the internet all day, played video games incessantly, or was consumed with different TV shows you’d probably be in awe.
Please don’t misinterpret what I’m trying to say. It’s not a bad thing to enjoy these types of amenities, but we need to start being more conscientious of what we’re listening and watching. Believe it or not, there are a lot of subliminal messages, pictures, and symbols that are incorporated into things even as simple as commercials and music videos. If you’re not perceptive to these things you may not even really notice it yet be influenced unwilling by it. I plead with you to start listening to the lyrics of the artists you try to emulate or look up to and start holding them accountable for what they are saying.
If you have children start filtering what shows you let them watch on T.V. Stop using the television as a babysitter for your children. I’ve noticed with certain Disney shows where the children are always constantly making the parental figures out to be these bumbling idiots who have no control. Don’t encourage that type of behavior or suggestion. Children are very impressionable as most people already know, so it is important that you monitor the types of things your children are exposed to. It’s important that children are able to actually enjoy their childhood. Have your children play outside more instead of sitting in the house. Enroll them in after school activities, keep them on a schedule, and make sure they exercise. Idol minds are the devils work shop, so stimulate your children, be more involved and don’t let the media raise your child! Our children are the future and we should start teaching them to be more independent minded so that they don’t become tools of a society that will only use them.
My advice to the government is the following: I appreciate the fact that the United States is in its original form a “democracy” and is for the people by the people. I do not appreciate the fact that you continue to undermine the American people by bombarding us with false propaganda, subliminal messaging, and feeding us lies. If you want us to continue working with you on issues and paying you taxes, start doing what the hell it is you’re supposed to do. Stop thinking we’re so ignorant to the fact that you’re continually trying to pull the blanket over our eyes. All though it may seem as our masses for the most part or oblivious to the fact you are nothing more than extortionists, there is still a vast majority of the nation that can see through your petty lies.
Soon your money will mean nothing as its obvious your greed has completely dried out the value of you dollar bill, and although you may have more than us financially, you will never take our souls. One day we will fight back and right the wrongs you’ve created in the centuries that have passed and you’ll be the ones on the short end of the stick. Never under estimate the power of God’s will. Eventually you will be exposed for the rotten and selfish acts you have committed. Unlike you, our Revolution will be sought through without violence as we don’t have to be bully’s to make a difference. It’s time the government starts helping the people, instead of trying to dumb us down and kill us off. Don’t think we don’t know what you’re on and definitely don’t think that the ignorance you’ve encouraged all these years is going to last forever. Eventually when people are sick of turning to you in times of need, as they see you do absolutely nothing but solve problems by creating more problems, they’ll finally reject your help and start solving it their own. We as a society will start solving our issues without you. May God forgive you for the atrocities you’ve created and fueled.
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