Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th, 2009

I was slow getting up this morning. I woke up to hear Roxy hacking and gagging like she was going to vomit so I let her out. Evidently I didn’t do that fast enough as when I came back upstairs to lie down for a while longer, my foot ended up skimming a puddle of mucus which totally was disgusting. I spent a majority of last night doing laundry and cleaning up my room. It looks a lot better than it did but of course I still have a bunch of laundry left to finish. I’ll attempt to finish the rest of it tonight. I’ve decided that I’m going to start writing at least once a day. I notice when I do write that I seem to have more clarity when it comes to certain situations.

Work is pretty busy today but of course it’s nothing that I can’t handle. Ever since I’ve adopted a new attitude towards work I’ve been feeling a lot less anxious. I’ve realized that the only time I should be consumed with my job should be during the 8 hours I’m punched in. Once I get home I have to forget about it if I want to be able to relax. I have a lot more freedom at work now as well because I’ve been there so long and so much that I’m pretty much in charge when it comes to a majority of the things that I do. I do love my job because I’m good at it and I’m needed which in this day and age is a blessing within itself.

My father’s birthday is coming up and I’m a little upset that I spent as much money as I did this weekend because I really wanted to get him something special. I think I’m going to lie and tell him that I ordered it and it’s not going to get here until next week because I don’t want him to think that he’s not important. Christmas kind of broke my pocket book anyways so I’m sure he’d understand but I still don’t feel right saying sorry I’m broke because I partied on New Years. I think I’m going to make him something though for the time being like maybe a collage or something. Plus he like’s simple things like that anyways.

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